Lamela rabona goal video

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But he will leave behind him two of the most amazing goals I have ever seen in my time as a Tottenham supporters - this, and the OTHER rabona goal against Asteras Tripoli in the Europa League back in 2014. Erik Lamelas outrageous rabona strike was one of the best goals head coach Mauricio Pochettino has ever seen and may well prove the defining moment in his Tottenham Hotspur career. That’s sad and I will miss him with my entire soul. Lamela is probably gone after this season. There were a lot of bangers in the Premier League this year, but only one goal where the player wraps his left foot around his right to punch a goal through a forest of Arsenal legs (including both of Thomas Partey’s) and into the bottom corner. This goal is baller and deserves to be celebrated.

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And because of that, there are a bunch of fans for whom that result takes the shine off of what Lamela did just there.

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Now look, I know that most Spurs fans mostly remember what happened AFTER this goal, which included Lamela getting a second yellow card and being sent off for the first time in his Tottenham career, followed by a capitulation and a loss in the NLD.

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Utterly sensational audacious rabona goal is your 2020/21 Goal of the Season #PLAwards /1NU4jzF70L- Premier League June 5, 2021

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